Thursday, 6 October 2011

Your Daily Update from The Project to Restore America


October 06, 2011
Dear Project To Restore America reader,

Here is your daily project update:

  Why Steve Jobs Was Exceptional
The founder of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs has changed the way the world communicates, listens to music, gathers news, and does business. In the process, he has made an immeasurable contribution to the U.S. economy…

A Plan to Limit Dishonesty in Congress
Kudos to Senators Jeff Sessions and Olympia Snowe for putting forth the Honest Budget Act… This is an effort to get rid of all the funny business like calling reductions in overspending "spending cuts"…

<  The Fed Twists, the Market Shouts
According to Congressman Ron Paul, the Federal Reserve still hasn't admitted it caused the financial crisis…

  Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in Household Receiving Government Benefit
Based on 2010 census data, Sara Murray of the Wall Street Journal explains why the number of people relying on government benefits is at an all-time high. You can attribute this to the recession and the recent outlandish growth of government programs...

Once again, thank you for sending us your e-mails. We can't respond individually, but we read and consider all of them. Send your question, comment, or complaint to

Here is what two people have to say about abuse of the Social Security system…

 I love your sight… thank you for fighting for what is right and exposing the wasteful hypocrisy that is our government.  My Sister works for the Social Security Administration and shares with me all the abuses and outright frauds that are perpetrated, and actually allowed, by the SSA.

For example, every day, she takes phone calls from 40 to 50 year old LEGAL immigrants who just became citizens.  The calls go like this:  “I am calling because I am bringing my parents to this country to live with me and I want to get them set up for SSI”.  What is LEGAL is that these immigrants bring their over 65 parents here, and our government immediately starts paying them social security, even though they have never paid 1 cent into the system and have never paid $1 of US Tax.  Here is the kicker:  If the new citizen produces a letter from his/her parents that says the parents are paying rent to their son/daughter to live with them, then SSI will INCREASE the monthly payment amount paid to the parents by some $225 per month PER PARENT.

Here’s the other kicker.  If these people disclose that they have assets overseas, then they may not get SSI.  So, you guessed it, most disclose that they have no outside assets.  Here’s another unbelievable mind blower:  In the rare event that the SSA actually finds out they do have non-US assets, the SSA asks for money back from these fraudsters.  The terms for the payback include NO interest, NO penalties, and minimum monthly repayment amounts are only $10 per month.    How did we get so stupid?  As a taxpayer, I am livid. 

This is but one of the many incredible frauds being perpetrated on the American Taxpayer.  We actually are PAYING immigrants to bring their elderly parents here so the US Government can support them, even though they never contributed to the IRS and often lie to get benefits.

This must be stopped.  I hope your organization can shine some light on this. Sincerely, Bernie

Bidwell comment: Bernie, the money that should have been set aside for Americans currently collecting has been spent… and sometimes on programs largely outside of the scope of what social security was intended.

Have you heard of Salishan in Tacoma, Washington? The Salishan was a public housing community for the military. It is a 1,300 unit compound, a $225 million complex now used for federally funded housing.

On April 2001, Tacoma Housing Authority received a $35 million Hope VI Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This money came out of the Social Security budget. Like the other examples you gave, this is another instance of abuse of the system…

 I have sent emails to Senators, etc. with no response. Social security was passed to "help replace income of the wage earner lost due to retirement, death, or disability". It was not meant to pay alimony!! I think that benefits to divorced spouses and surviving divorced spouses should be eliminated. 

Also I think benefits to students should be eliminated. Social security was never meant for that. There are other programs to help provide for student tuition. I hope through this venue my voice will now be heard.  Thanks, Jean

Bidwell comment: By passing a balanced budget amendment, the entitlement spending, and the money programs like Medicare and Social Security receive, will be reduced. The overspending will only end by implementing clear, hard, and fast boundaries. When Social Security receives far less money, then and only then will the abuses of the system end…


Wendy Bidwell
Director, The Project to Restore America

The Project to Restore America is a non-partisan call for a fiscally-responsible government, to bring true freedom to Americans as outlined in the Constitution.

Each day, we will be sending you the most timely and important news and information on the three "pillars" of The Project:

Balanced budgets for every level of government
Sound money backed by gold
The right for all Americans to keep 80% of his/her income

This has nothing to do with Republicans, Democrats, or whatever political party you belong to. The system we have today has delivered ALL of us to the doorstep of national bankruptcy. Unless we reform the way we govern our country, by adopting the three Project "pillars" as amendments to the Constitution, we will lose the liberty that is our birthright as Americans.

That is the goal for The Project to Restore America. Ultimately, our community will be a powerful vehicle for change.

Let's move quickly!

Published by Harbor Publishing, LLC.

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