Wednesday 5 October 2011

Delayed Basel trading book review will be broad, say supervisors

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5 October 2011
This Week's Top Story
Delayed Basel trading book review will be broad, say supervisors
Basel Committee is expected to consider wide range of topics, including VAR, liquidity, CVA and the line between banking and trading books - but overall capital requirements are not likely to change

Categories: Basel Committee
Topics: Basel 2.5, Basel III, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), International Swaps and Derivatives Association (Isda), Credit value adjustment (CVA) ...
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Risk USA 2011
October 31 – November 3
The full agenda for this year’s Risk USA is now available. Visit, topics to be discussed at this year’s event include: Dodd-Frank implementation and its affect on the financial industry Market, liquidity and operational risk, portfolio management and asset allocation, systemic and credit risk, quantitative risk management strategies, risk and investment challenges facing banks institutional investors, asset managers; insurance firms, pension funds and large non-financial corporates.
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