| Dear Project To Restore America reader,
Here is your daily project update:
What if the NFL Played By Teachers' Rules? Why should teaching be any different than anything else that works well? Good teachers should reap the rewards and ineffective ones shouldn't… What We Know about the Free Competition in Currency Act In March, Ron Paul introduced the Free Competition in Currency Act to Congress. And although it won't pass quickly, monetary reform advocates are nurturing it. The Act would repeal legal tender laws and alter other coinage laws… Media Lunacy: Gold Is Backed By Nothing If you want to see someone discuss a truly insane idea, don't miss this video… You might be rendered speechless… Lobbyists in On Super-Secrets The only folks who know what is going on behind the supercommittee's closed doors are those with a lobbying card… Once again, thank you for sending us your e-mails. We can't respond individually, but we read and consider all of them. Send your question, comment, or complaint to wendy@theprojecttorestoreamerica.com. In Friday's newsletter, we unveiled our action plan for The Project. Here is some feedback about the plan of action… Wendy, I mostly agreed with the cause until you mentioned Grover Nordquist. I do not agree with how he tells the Republican party how to run the country. First of all, he has them sign a pledge they cannot deviate from, not even if it makes sense to do so. The biggest thing that sticks in my craw is he is not even an elected official and most Republicans think he is god and what he says goes. We need people that can give their views without being intimidated by someone like Grover Nordquist and the so called pledge. America is not a fraternity and should NOT be run like one. - Anonymous Bidwell comment: We are following a similar blueprint to the one Grover Nordquist used with the Americans for Tax Reform, because it produces results. It is the same one the National Rifle Association (NRA) has used… Unlike so many grassroots movements, the NRA and the Americans for Tax Reform have changed the face of politics… and if we are to restore America, we must change the face of politics in an even greater way. The reason these two have succeeded is because they are organized. They have good databases to keep up with voting records. They also have strong networks of members to champion the cause and have one-on-one talks with the legislators, etc. This is in no way like a fraternity… there is no hazing, no pledge period, etc. The Project will keep track of commitments. We will use our own media source and inform others when legislators vote differently than they pledged they would… This is the only way to ensure accountability from our elected officials. I think your project is great however the problem with it is this: How do you get elected officials to live up to a pledge?
We have a congress now that has sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States on a Bible when taking office but once in office ignore their sworn oath. – Leo
Bidwell comment: The Project stems from Harbor Publishing, a Baltimore-based publishing company, so it will be easy to notify our members and other media sources if legislators do not act accordingly to the pledge they sign. Regards,
Wendy Bidwell Director, The Project to Restore America | The Project to Restore America is a non-partisan call for a fiscally-responsible government, to bring true freedom to Americans as outlined in the Constitution.
Each day, we will be sending you the most timely and important news and information on the three "pillars" of The Project:
✔ | Balanced budgets for every level of government | ✔ | Sound money backed by gold | ✔ | The right for all Americans to keep 80% of his/her income | This has nothing to do with Republicans, Democrats, or whatever political party you belong to. The system we have today has delivered ALL of us to the doorstep of national bankruptcy. Unless we reform the way we govern our country, by adopting the three Project "pillars" as amendments to the Constitution, we will lose the liberty that is our birthright as Americans.
That is the goal for The Project to Restore America. Ultimately, our community will be a powerful vehicle for change.
Let's move quickly! | | |