Tuesday 4 October 2011

Hedge Funds Review launches service provider rankings

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Hedge Funds Review
News Alert October 5, 2011
Latest news for Hedge Funds Review

Hedge Funds Review launches first service provider rankings
Hedge Funds Review is compiling its first service provider rankings list, giving hedge fund and fund of hedge funds managers as well as investors a chance to rate...

People moves
The latest appointments within hedge funds and funds of hedge funds as well as related service...

Tabb pegs OTC clearing-related technology spending at $3.3 billion
Clearing houses and dealers are spending billions on technology to prepare for OTC derivatives...

SEC charges PIPE hedge fund with fraud
NIR Group misled investors about the liquidity and performance of its investments, according...

Vote now in the first Hedge Funds Review Service Provider Rankings 2011

Latest issue
Hedge Funds Review Rising volatility points to excess returns in commodities
Commodity price volatility is a concern for policymakers but it could benefit investors in the long-term, according to a...

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Ucits hedge funds: Myth and reality
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