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Highly-respected trader admits he's wrong After receiving a very blunt letter from a disgruntled reader, this highly-respected admitted he was wrong, and decided to make amends.
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Meet a grey-haired chap called Tom He's been in the business for more than 30 years...
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| Tuesday 4th September 2011 | Issue 1309 | This could be the NEXT major bank to collapse
Dear Subscriber,
Speaking to an investor friend of mine recently, he told me something that genuinely surprised me...
It wasn't so much what he was saying, as I tend to agree with him, but the fact that he was calling this out at all was a breath of fresh air.
I mean, you know how it is with these things: financial commentators rarely put any clout behind their predictions and often end up skirting around the point...
But Bengt is firm on this: he believes that a major bank is right on the verge of going bust.
And if he's right, it could have immediate consequences for your wealth.
Find out why right here.
You see, this is one bank that the authorities can't easily bail out. No, this bank is different...
This is a US bank that has continued lending right the way through the banking crisis.
And if it goes bust now, Ben Bernanke will be completely backed into a corner.
He will be left with one choice and one choice only: run the printing presses and inflate the pain away.
If that happens, the result will be disastrous for the dollar... and it could even cease to be the world's reserve currency.
Why should you care about the dollar losing face?
Because if the dollar goes into a death spiral, it could drag sterling with it.
And that could have devastating implications for your investments.
I'd like to get your eyes on a copy of the report that Bengt's written about this...
And thankfully, you can do exactly that for free here...
Download a copy of the report.
I'm not sure if I've talked about Bengt before, but I can tell you that he's one of the shrewdest investors you'll ever meet.
He's a Square Mile veteran who was running his own portfolio by the age of 13. He made his name in the City and went on to start a business and property portfolio. He's a real value investor.
Today he dedicates his time to analysing the financial markets – home and abroad – and reveals his unique insights in his acclaimed investment newsletter The Right Side – delivered each and every week to a core group of readers.
Right now Bengt believes the US dollar is in "terminal decline". It won't take much to tip it over the edge. And if this bank fails... what he calls the "dollar death spiral" could send the world's reserve currency into the abyss with horrible ramifications for some British investors.
Best of it is, you can sign up to his value-packed e-letter – The Right Side – today for free and as a welcome you'll get instant access to his free report "The NEXT major bank collapse?"
You should sign up to The Right Side here.
It could well be essential reading for anyone interested in maximising – and protecting – their wealth and learning more about how they can make the most of their investments.
Best wishes,  Richard Hill Editor Forex Round-Up
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