Thursday 6 October 2011

Including global airlines in EU emissions scheme is legal, says EU court

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6 October 2011
This Week's Top Story
Including global airlines in EU emissions scheme is legal, says EU court
Preliminary opinion of advocate-general says that US and Asian airlines cannot opt out of EU emissions trading next year

Categories: Emissions
Topics: Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), European Emissions Allowances (EUA), Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), American Airlines, United Airlines ...
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Energy Risk Europe 2011
11-14 October 2011
The Energy Risk Europe conference, from 11-14 October 2011, brings together the region's most highly regarded experts and practitioners to talk practically about how to manage risk in the energy markets. This is a must attend event for anyone involved in energy commodities pricing and market risk, derivatives trading and quantitative analysis, who want to gain a better insight into industry best practice, regulation, technology and new financial risk management techniques.
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