Focus in on an extra £782, £313 or £1,565 a month Take one quick moment to set this special software up on your PC and whenever there's a new opportunity to pick up an easy profit...
You'll be alerted automatically.
Highly-respected trader admits he's wrong After receiving a very blunt letter from a disgruntled reader, this highly-respected admitted he was wrong, and decided to make amends.
The result? Well, if you've ever wanted to follow this guy's techniques in the past but found getting in on the action was beyond your means...
| Tuesday 11th October 2011 | Issue 1312 | NewsNight Trader September Update: Up 980 points
Dear Subscriber,
Just wanted to give you a quick update on how my NewsNight Trader strategy did this month...
The trade that it identified on 30th September, closed out the other day for another +280 pip profit...
Which means after a rough month in August, it bounced right back in September with a total gain of 980 pips.
So, even with, say £2 a pip you'd have pocketed £1,960 for the month!
There's no trades running at the moment, but if you wanted to pick up a copy of my strategy and start looking out for trades yourself...
You can do so here.
Best wishes,  Richard Hill Editor Forex Round-Up
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