Free eBook: 5 Ways You Can Use Trendlines to Improve Your Trading DecisionsGreetings Trader,
Trendlines are one of the first technical methods most traders learn. Unfortunately, too many traders discard this simplest of all techniques for more advanced methods. Yet with the right education you will find that a simple line can tell you a world of information about a market. In this free eBook, Jeffrey Kennedy will show you five ways to draw trendlines that will help you to identify support and resistance, the end of a move, and changes in trend – critical information for your trading success. Jeffrey's trading eBooks have been downloaded thousands of times because he teaches you in a way that enables you to immediately apply the method to the markets you follow. And what's even better, he believes in the methods he teaches and uses them each and every day in his trading and analysis. Learn 5 ways to apply trendlines to your trading and investing. (Hurry! This eBook offer is only available through October 17.) |