Here's a SMS trade we sent recently: 04 October, 2011 SMS Alert to Members', recommending clients to sell AQP at 173.98p. With prices gapping lower on the open, our order was filled on Monday and fell to reach our final target at 163.57p. As a result, we booked a profit on this trade. Don't give up your day job! While you get along with your day to day routines, we are hard at work looking for trades worthy of your notification. Providing you all the vital information, such as entry levels, stop loss and target prices. We don't just leave you to watch the trades, we actively monitor them. If we feel it's just to raise a stop loss to lock in profits we will let you know! As mentioned above you shouldn't become a jack of all trades as you risk being a master of none! At Fat Prophets we employ a full time team of certified technical analysts who specialise in the 4 main instruments; forex, commodities, global equities and indices. Allowing you to manage simultaneous trades from the 4 instruments. You could be longing spot gold, while shorting the cable (USD vs GPB) as well having a stop entry on the FTSE 100.
Such instrument diversification could be near impossible on your own, regardless of how many screens you have! |