Wednesday, 12 October 2011

October 2011 issue of Hedge Funds Review available online

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Hedge Funds Review
Monthly Email Alert October 13, 2011
New - Hedge Funds Review October 2011 edition
Top Story

Credit specialist Cairn Capital sees growth potential in hedge funds ands asset management

With around $25 billion of assets under management and long-term advice, Cairn Capital's focus on credit is the bedrock on which the company wants to build an asset management empire.


Categories: Strategy, Hedge Funds
Topics: Credit, Credit event, Structured products, Commercial mortgage backed securities (cmbs), Asset-backed securities (abs), Europe, Greece, Sovereign debt, Sovereign debt crisis, Restructuring, Distressed, Bonds

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European debt crisis may delay implementation of AIFM directive Secondary market braces for wave of distressed hedge funds
Funds of hedge funds performance stuck in negative territory Shortlist announced for European Fund of Hedge Funds awards 2011
Ucits hedge funds: Myth and reality
Ucits hedge funds: Myth and reality
Partly as a way to satisfy investor demand for transparent, liquid products and to reach new sources of assets, many hedge fund managers began using Ucits-compliant wrappers for their strategies.
Hedge Funds
CFS Total Return Fund: Covenant Financial Services
Covenant Financial Services is betting on commodities and equities that stand to benefit from growing demand from Asia. As a macro investor, CIO Steve Shafer is extremely bearish on developed markets.
Hedge funds see cloud as effective way to outsource IT infrastructure
Hedge fund managers are outsourcing IT infrastructure to the cloud as a way to save money. However, counterparty risk, security and reliability are of particular concern to investors.
Hedge funds see opportunity in beaten-down commercial mortgage-backed securities
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) offer attractive returns for investors prepared to ride out short-term volatility. The revival is driven by better than expected performance by legacy CMBS.
Hedge funds continue to see ETFs as useful instruments while regulators voice concerns over complexity
European hedge fund managers continue to discover the advantages of using exchange traded funds. But differences between the US and Europe are also causing concern for regulators.
Hedge Funds Review Editor's choice
CTA/managed futures hedge fund strategies profit as volatility picks up
CTAs capitalising on price trends in futures markets are posting large profits as other hedge fund strategies struggle to cope with higher volatility and general financial market weakness.
Eurozone indecision fuels market mayhem
Eurozone indecision in the face of continued pressure on sovereign debt, particularly Spain and Italy, and a loss of confidence in European banks could plunge the world into deep depression.
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