Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Read the November issue of Life & Pension Risk online now


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Life & Pension Risk
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New – Life & Pension Risk magazine November 2011 edition
Cover story

Insurers look to hedging strategies to deal with management charge volatility

Volatility caused by annual management charges under Solvency II is a relatively new issue for insurers. What are the hedging techniques being undertaken to manage this?

Categories: Asset Liability Management
Topics: Solvency II, Standard Life, Deutsche Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Cover story
Life & pensions risk
News from Life & Pension Risk magazine
Pressure mounts for 2013 opt-in on Solvency II models Eiopa seeks funding for internal model experts to assist national supervisors
Allianz CRO: industry and regulators 'in denial' over solvency levels Further DC buy-outs predicted after £100m Emap deal
Risk Books update
Longevity Risk, edited by Emma McWilliam
Recently published, this cutting edge book provides practitioner insight and research into this fast-emerging financial sector. Views of leading industry experts from insurance, reinsurance, the capital markets and legal sectors provide a complete 360° view of the market. Longevity Risk presents you with methods to price and measure longevity risk and ways to hedge/de-risk through a range of both traditional and innovative solutions. Ensure you are ready to take advantage of the opportunities presenting themselves - order your copy today.  
Life and pensions
Inflationary pressures spur pension funds to seek hedges
Inflation is one of the top risks facing pension funds, but how can they deal with the risk while still maintaining adequate returns?
Life and pensions
Why insurers are turning to the least squares Monte Carlo modelling technique
The least squares Monte Carlo method of stochastic modelling is fast being adopted by insurers due to its simplicity and accuracy
Life and pensions
Criticism mounts against FSA's stance on liquidity swaps
The FSA has blocked a number of liquidity swap transactions as it consults on the governance of such trades. But many argue that the regulator's concerns...
Life and pensions
Regional review: The challenges facing Dutch insurers and pension funds
Dutch insurers remain optimistic on Solvency II while pension schemes face regulatory hurdles
Life & Pension Risk community update
Reading Life & Pension Risk is more crucial than ever
To fully understand the implications of all the regulatory changes on your business you need to be reading the in-depth and original articles only available to Life & Pension Risk subscribers. If you have not seen a copy of Life & Pension Risk magazine this year or benefited from full access to the mobile-friendly risk.net/life-and-pension-risk website, with its 6-year archive of content, news, technical papers and special reports, then sign-up to a trial today and experience first-hand how you too can gain a competitive advantage. Register now  
Editor's letter
The risk-free conundrum
The eurozone debt crisis raises a fundamental question about the risk-free status of sovereign debt in Solvency II. The events of recent months have shown that some government bonds are anything but risk free. Yet Solvency II’s standard formula maintains the fiction...
Life & Pension Risk magazine's top online news articles
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