Discover Connexus – the financial extranet from IPC. Start choosing a better extranet for capital markets connectivity, delivering speed to market and responsive service. Learn more. World Bank warns of further economic weakness in Mena region The current outlook for the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region is 10% unemployment and 4% growth, while figures for China are the reverse, according to a... California law could help boost investment in emerging hedge fund managers The US state of California has signed a law that encourages giant pension providers Calpers... CFTC to publish own version of Volcker rule The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is to publish its own Volcker rule for consultation... Global depression and sovereign default are top of risk list Economic depression is the top global economic risk followed by the risk of sovereign default... Eurozone banking woes could trigger financing opportunities for hedge funds in 2012 Little movement seen in secondary market trading for October despite improving equity market... Weavering case flags issues for independent directors Cayman Islands Grand Court judgment on Weavering case reopens debate on role of independent... Ikos court case raises questions over protection of proprietary information A UK High Court case brought by Ikos Asset Management has emphasised the difficulties of hedge... |