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Here is your daily project update:
Debt Serfdom Is Now the New American Norm Most American households work hard to "service their debts"… Marc Faber Says Americans Need to Tighten Their Belts The real problem is that most Americans don't have enough in savings… How We Know Americans Don't Understand What Is Bankrupting Us Some Americans don't understand cutting government jobs would cause pain initially, but the money saved from government spending would then fuel the private sector. ------------ Advertisement ---------- What happens when a loaf of bread costs $23?
In the past year, the price of coffee has more than doubled. Since 2009, sugar prices have jumped as much as 200%. What’s going on here? Recently, the Federal Government has intervened in America’s food supply, setting off a chain reaction which is already affecting prices as well as the amount of food we receive. The worst has yet to trickle down.
For more information on this situation, click here. ------------------------------------- Crews Prepare Huge Set Before CNN's Tuesday GOP Debate It is remarkable how quietly this is all happening. I am here at The Venetian Casino in Las Vegas, and with all the other conventions and business as usual, you wouldn't even know anything unusual is happening… Once again, thank you for sending us your e-mails. We can't respond individually, but we read and consider all of them. Send your questions, comments, or complaints to wendy@theprojecttorestoreamerica.com. As I have mentioned in prior e-mails, I am at the Western Republican Leadership Convention in Las Vegas this week. Tonight, CNN hosts the GOP presidential debate at The Venetian. As I mentioned yesterday, I will be speaking with a key GOP presidential candidate. We will release the footage to you as soon as possible, of course. And I look forward to telling you what I learn before then… If you could ask one of the key presidential candidates a question, what would it be? Please e-mail me your questions. I am reading through them, and so far, this is my favorite… Many conservative people may easily concede that your ideas for what you will attempt if elected the next president are good (example, balance the budget, reduce government intrusion and waste, get back to some common sense governance!). But to really get anything done, you will have to "sell" these ideas to a country that is truly divided with almost half being dependent on the government for handouts. Even if the solutions are the right answer and make sense for the long-term health of our nation, there will be a LOT of resistance. What steps will you take to get your solutions through hostile territory in a divided nation? How will you bring this nation together? -Dave Here is what one person has to say about a "valid third-party candidate"… If America does not understand that Obama MUST be a one-term president….don't even think of a 3rd party! American voters must be united in one party (even if some have to vote for the lesser of two evils), and vote to end Obama's dictatorship! …or kiss America good-bye! Aloha, Albert Bidwell comment:You raise a valid concern, Albert. Ralph Nader is often credited with siphoning enough Democratic votes to ensure George W. Bush's first presidential term. But the question you have to ask is this: Is our traditional party system capable of being a conduit to a path to fiscal sanity? Or are both parties so corrupt that we can't expect any real change if we continue using this system?… Yes, the national debt has increased by $4.2 trillion since President Obama took office. But during the Bush administration, it accelerated by $4.9 trillion. No model of fiscal probity there. If you keep electing representatives of the same two parties, you'll get just that… more of the same. The "valid third-party candidate" is still officially unannounced, but he will be speaking at our conference… So you will have the opportunity to ask him these questions and more for yourself very soon. Regards,
Wendy Bidwell Director, The Project to Restore America | The Project to Restore America is a non-partisan call for a fiscally-responsible government, to bring true freedom to Americans as outlined in the Constitution.
Each day, we will be sending you the most timely and important news and information on the three "pillars" of The Project:
✔ | Balanced budgets for every level of government | ✔ | Sound money backed by gold | ✔ | The right for all Americans to keep 80% of his/her income | This has nothing to do with Republicans, Democrats, or whatever political party you belong to. The system we have today has delivered ALL of us to the doorstep of national bankruptcy. Unless we reform the way we govern our country, by adopting the three Project "pillars" as amendments to the Constitution, we will lose the liberty that is our birthright as Americans.
That is the goal for The Project to Restore America. Ultimately, our community will be a powerful vehicle for change.
Let's move quickly! | | |