Sunday 23 October 2011

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New - Asia Risk magazine October 2011 edition
Cover story

Asia Risk awards 2011: The winners!

In the annual Asia Risk awards, Deutsche Bank scooped four gongs, including Derivatives House of the Year, Asia ex-Japan, while Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, JP Morgan, Standard Chartered, DBS, Normura and CIMB also performed strongly

Categories:  Awards
Topics:  Awards and rankings, Asia, Cover story
Asia risk
News from Asia Risk magazine
RBI's revised securitisation guidelines could 'kill' Indian market Asia-Pacific personal wealth growth soars ahead of US and Europe ­– Credit Suisse
Greater focus on OTC derivatives op risk required in Asia – Celent Australian banks still face liquidity challenges, FSB peer review finds
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Structured Products
Asian investors review structured products strategies after losses
The collapse of equity prices since April in some large structured products markets such as South Korea has left investors facing substantial mark-to...
Cash Bonds
China gives boost to 'dim sum' bonds
China unveiled plans in August to allow corporates to issue renminbi bonds in Hong Kong for the first time. The move has excited market participants...
Malaysia regulators unveil new rules for derivatives
The introduction of Malaysia's Capital Markets and Services (Amendment) Act 2011 will shake up the country's risk management markets and supervisory...
Credit Derivatives
India credit derivatives market prepares for lift-off
Initial excitement regarding the long-delayed introduction of credit derivatives in India has waned amid fears that regulatory constraints will hamper...
Asia Risk Congress, Hong Kong, 25 October 2011
Bringing together the leading minds in the Asian financial markets

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This year's thoroughly researched dual-stream agenda will address the pressing regulatory issues and investment trends in the Asian financial markets. Free for qualified buy-side professionals - REGISTER NOW
Editor's letter
Beware 'buy-and-hold' banking model limitations
Binning the 'originate-to-distribute' banking model in favour of the 'buy-and-hold' model would reduce the role of securitisation – a risk-sharing mechanism that, when done properly, can bring benefits to issuers and buyers alike
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