Risk Soared, Dollar Tumbled after EU Summit, Trend Sustainability Depends on Fed's Expectation Management Expectation management proved to be the most important thing in the markets. While the outcomes of the EU summits were undoubtably positively, they were anything ground-breaking. We heard about bank recapitalization, Greek debt haircut and beefing-up of EFSF before. They're not new. But the expectation ahead of the second EU summit was so low that markets cheered those outcomes and risks surged broadly. The development was significant as stocks turned positive for the year while dollar index turned quite bearish. Now, we're entering into another important week with three central bank meeting, G20 summit as well as loads of important economic data. Most importantly, recent comments from Fed officials have set up some expectations for QE3 and we'll see how Bernanke would further manage our expectations with the FOMC statement and press conference this week. Full Report Here... |    |