Wednesday 26 October 2011

Your Daily Update from The Project to Restore America


October 26, 2011
Dear Project To Restore America reader,

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Here is your daily project update:

 Government Capital Controls Coming to the US?
This article describes a recent capital control power play by the Argentine government. If the U.S. government tries something like this, it would be one of its worst decisions yet…

 Why Wealthy Americans Can’t “Pay Their Fair Share”
While Obama talks about rich people not paying enough taxes, the number of millionaires has gone down 39% since 2008…

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  Why Washington D.C.’s “Prosperity” is Cause for Alarm
“…D.C.'s prosperity reflects a parasite economy that battens on wealth created by others.”

 Porter Stansberry: The Worst is Yet to Come…
“Here’s the fact:America's standard of living is falling at a faster pace today than at any time since the Great Depression…”

Once again, thank you for sending us your e-mails. We can't respond individually, but we read and consider all of them. Send your question, comment, or complaint to Here is what a few people had to say yesterday…

 The banks are a wholly owned subsidiary of the U.S. government? Some might say the U.S. government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the banks and large corporations. There is some truth in both. We need to get big money out of government. The plutocracy isn't working. - Dave

Bidwell comment: You are right, Dave. They are in it together… However, the government allows the banks to invest in whatever it wants without having to take on any of the risk. If something doesn’t pan out, the government will bail the big banks out… this is the “new socialism” Porter talks about…

This is why we support sound money backed by gold… because sound money keeps politicians honest.

 What we the American people need to do is forget about Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, or any other Third Party. We need to use our common sense to elect people who are for the People no matter what office, this includes Congress. – Ruth

Bidwell comment: Ruth, I couldn’t agree more. We must hold all our elected officials to a higher standard. The problem is that neither party, even when they promise to make government smaller, instead continue to expand it.

As you know, Ron Paul talks about eliminating five agencies and withdrawing all our troops from overseas, which is a big step in reducing the size of government. So far, that is the best solution we have seen to immediately impact our U.S. economy.


Wendy Bidwell
Director, The Project to Restore America

The Project to Restore America is a non-partisan call for a fiscally-responsible government, to bring true freedom to Americans as outlined in the Constitution.

Each day, we will be sending you the most timely and important news and information on the three "pillars" of The Project:

Balanced budgets for every level of government
Sound money backed by gold
The right for all Americans to keep 80% of his/her income

This has nothing to do with Republicans, Democrats, or whatever political party you belong to. The system we have today has delivered ALL of us to the doorstep of national bankruptcy. Unless we reform the way we govern our country, by adopting the three Project "pillars" as amendments to the Constitution, we will lose the liberty that is our birthright as Americans.

That is the goal for The Project to Restore America. Ultimately, our community will be a powerful vehicle for change.

Let's move quickly!

Published by Harbor Publishing, LLC.

The Project to Restore America welcomes comments or suggestions at This address is for feedback only.

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