Friday, 28 October 2011

Your Daily Update from The Project to Restore America


October 28, 2011
Dear Project To Restore America reader,

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Here is your daily project update:

  How We Know Food Prices Will Rise
Today, we wrap up our trip to California. This morning another researcher and I flew out of Fresno, California, and Monday we will be back in the office. Thank you for traveling with us and for sending all the great feedback along the way.

You may wonder why we went to Fresno… it's because Fresno County is integral to our nation's food supply and the End of America.

As you already know, Porter's End of America concept highlights a major problem: the United States is on a path of losing its position as the world reserve currency. And when this happens, the price of food will skyrocket.

Considering twice as many people collect food stamps now as in 2008, inflation is spiraling out of control, and the U.S. dollar is worth less and less, the stage is set for this scenario… Americans will struggle to put food on the table. 

And if you think this is an exaggeration, take a bus tour throughout Fresno County with the unofficial spokesman for the big farmers, John Diener, and you will be a believer by the time you step off the bus. This is precisely what I was doing yesterday morning…

Diener, the owner of Red Rock Ranch, Inc. hosted a talk and bus tour for the Texas Agricultural Lifetime Leadership 2010-2012 class. After meeting him at our round table two nights prior, he invited me to join in.

Scott Albertson, the former VP of Ballantine Produce, describes Diener as a progressive farmer. This means he is ahead of government regulations. For instance, his farm is in a harsh, dry area of Fresno County. The government allots an amout of water to each farmer once a year.

But instead of waiting to see if his government-allotted amount of water is enough, Diener has a water reclamation system to hedge against the possibility of running out of water. He is often able to sell water to neighboring farms.

Diener is often quoted and referenced in the local paper, and is recognized as a man with an accurate aerial view of the industry and someone who understands how to manage the resources better than the government.

So, as the bus drove through this area where 200 to 300 crops are grown, we saw thousands of acres of lettuce, tomatoes, cotton, garlic, grapes, corn, olive, nut, and fruit trees. And Diener narrated a story similar to the End of America.

Here is Diener's major concern… We will not wait in lines for food because our farmers can't grow enough food to feed the country. We will wait in lines for food because we will not have the resources to keep the food we grow in our country, and other countries will be able to purchase it. Thus, we will be competing with other countries more able to buy our food.

Due to quantitative easing and inflation, our dollar is worth less compared to other currencies. These other countries are already able to buy our food and transport it for less than it costs for them to grow their own. For instance, China already buys a ton of corn from the U.S. The U.S. government subsidizes the farmers to grow more corn, thus it is cheaper.

And China doesn’t have much fertile farmland, so they buy our produce. They are also buying fertile farmland in Chile so they can feed their large population in the future…

As you already know, we are over-leveraged as a nation and our dollar is worth less… as this happens, and especially if we lose our status as the world's reserve currency, our food will be cheaper for other countries, we will have to compete with these buyers, and we will pay for it at the grocery… we may even find ourselves waiting in long lines…


Wendy Bidwell
Director, The Project to Restore America

The Project to Restore America is a non-partisan call for a fiscally-responsible government, to bring true freedom to Americans as outlined in the Constitution.

Each day, we will be sending you the most timely and important news and information on the three "pillars" of The Project:

Balanced budgets for every level of government
Sound money backed by gold
The right for all Americans to keep 80% of his/her income

This has nothing to do with Republicans, Democrats, or whatever political party you belong to. The system we have today has delivered ALL of us to the doorstep of national bankruptcy. Unless we reform the way we govern our country, by adopting the three Project "pillars" as amendments to the Constitution, we will lose the liberty that is our birthright as Americans.

That is the goal for The Project to Restore America. Ultimately, our community will be a powerful vehicle for change.

Let's move quickly!

Published by Harbor Publishing, LLC.

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