Friday 28 October 2011

German insurance association to conduct Solvency II ‘QIS 6’ in 2012

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28 October 2011
This Week's Top Story
German insurance association to conduct own Solvency II 'QIS 6' in 2012
Test will help implementation and aid association's lobbying effort; other trade associations may follow suit

Categories: Solvency II, Liability Management
Topics: Solvency II, Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin), European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
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National Asset-Liability Management London conference
29-30 March 2012, London
Join Central Banking Publications for the 2012 London conference which will discuss best practice in investment strategy, risk management and corporate governance within the changing policy framework. Attended by policy makers at central banks, and asset allocators in official funds, state pension funds, treasuries and other sovereign investors, this is a must attend event especially when the need for insight into best practice for national wealth management is more important than ever.
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