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Infrastructure Projects to Fix the Economy? Don't Bank on It… Both parties have a history of packing a lot of pork into infrastructure projects… ------------ Advertisement ---------- I want to let you in on a big secret…
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Rage Against the Machine: What Occupy Wall Street Protestors Got Wrong If the protestors focused on the fact that big banks are a wholly owned subsidiary of the U.S government, the onus would shift to Washington D.C… They would be protesting the government… Gibson Guitar CEO Blasts Obama This story of a guitar manufacturer in trouble with the U.S. government for "breaking rules" with India and Madagascar, the countries from which it gets ebony, could not better illustrate Washington's overreach. Read more… Once again, thank you for sending us your e-mails. We can't respond individually, but we read and consider all of them. Send your question, comment, or complaint to wendy@theprojecttorestoreamerica.com. These three points, balanced budget, sound money, and the right of Americans to keep 80% of their income needs to be hammered over and over again to at least the Republican office holders and candidates until they get the message and heed to it and begin to work for this to happen. It is a waste to target democrats as they will ignore it anyway. Since it looks like the Republicans will keep majority in the house, and maybe obtain a slight majority in the senate, and with God's help take the white house, it is time to start hammering the Republicans with this message over and over again so they get the message ahead of time, and will be pressured to get started on these points. I for one am going to start hitting my own representative up on it. My one senator, Marco Rubio, will probably be in agreement. But I am going to begin sending the message to him anyway. Spread the word around for everyone to start on their representatives as well. Maybe if all your subscribers do this, we can get this in the forefront, and see some action while Republicans have control. - Anonymous Bidwell comment: What you describe here is what I would consider a perfect storm. When we first started the movement, we aimed to be non-partisan. And we still hope to get all fiscally conservative voters on board. But I agree most democrat leaders won't want to be involved. For a Democrat to sign this pledge or advocate our three pillars, it would be political suicide. Erskine Bowles is one of the most fiscally conservative Democrats in the country, and happens to be a friend of a friend… but when I asked him to get on board with this movement, he wanted nothing to do with it. If the most fiscally conservative democrat won't be a part of the Project, it makes me think most democrat leaders wont either. However, I know some democrat voters who are concerned with these issues. Maybe they, too, should make their voices heard… All of us, including independents, Libertarians, Republicans, Tea Partiers, and even fiscally-conservative Democrats need a cohesive message, and we must start stating it clearly so that we, unlike an "Occupy Wall Street" movement cannot be misunderstood. We are working on the many aspects, from organizing through social media, getting our friends in the press involved, and meeting with our legislators currently in office to do this. With a little time, I believe we will clearly see the fruits of our labor… Regards,
Wendy Bidwell Director, The Project to Restore America | The Project to Restore America is a non-partisan call for a fiscally-responsible government, to bring true freedom to Americans as outlined in the Constitution.
Each day, we will be sending you the most timely and important news and information on the three "pillars" of The Project:
✔ | Balanced budgets for every level of government | ✔ | Sound money backed by gold | ✔ | The right for all Americans to keep 80% of his/her income | This has nothing to do with Republicans, Democrats, or whatever political party you belong to. The system we have today has delivered ALL of us to the doorstep of national bankruptcy. Unless we reform the way we govern our country, by adopting the three Project "pillars" as amendments to the Constitution, we will lose the liberty that is our birthright as Americans.
That is the goal for The Project to Restore America. Ultimately, our community will be a powerful vehicle for change.
Let's move quickly! | | |