Thursday 29 September 2011

Read the October issue of Life & Pension Risk online now


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Life & Pension Risk
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New – Life & Pension Risk magazine October 2011 edition
Cover story

Market volatility spurs interest in tail-risk management strategies

The financial crisis and resulting regulatory expectations have left insurers and pension funds increasingly aware that severe and unexpected risks hide behind every corner. The question of how to deal with them remains open. Thomas Whittaker reports

Categories: Risk Management
Topics: Tail risk, HSBC, Pimco, PensionsFirst, Asset management ...
Life & pensions risk
News from Life & Pension Risk magazine
Demand for CPI-linked gilts predicted as fragmentation concerns are downplayed Insurers could withstand Greek and Italian default, says Fitch Ratings
Swiss Re: pharmaceutical and care-home sectors could provide capacity for longevity swaps Pension fund liabilities could soar as Bank of England hints at second round of QE
Life & Pension Risk conference update
Solvency II and risk management
Solvency II has been a long time in the making. Many details are yet to be finalised and there is plenty of uncertainty over ithe exact shape of the regime. This conference will focus on many of the outstanding issues, featuring some of the top names in the industry.
Liquidity Risk
Liquidity swaps face uncertain future as FSA consults on risk management
Firms looking to undertake liquidity swap transactions could face tough new regulatory requirements if FSA proposals, set out in a recent consultation...
Capital Management
Insurers eye contingent capital as solution to Solvency II volatility
Banks remain hesitant on the subject of contingent convertible instruments, but could a recent issuance by Allianz spark interest among insurers as...
Solvency II
Insurers await Solvency II clarity for asset allocation
The impact of Solvency II on asset allocation decisions is hard to predict, particularly since the rules are not yet finalised, but two recent papers...
Risk Management
A new breed of copulas for risk and portfolio management
Attilio Meucci introduces the copula-marginal algorithm, a commercially viable technique to dramatically expand the types and uses of copulas in financial...
Life & Pension Risk community update
Reading Life & Pension Risk is more crucial than ever
To fully understand the implications of all the regulatory changes on your business you need to be reading the in-depth and original articles only available to Life & Pension Risk subscribers. If you have not seen a copy of Life & Pension Risk magazine this year or benefited from full access to the mobile-friendly website, with its 6-year archive of content, news, technical papers and special reports, then sign-up to a trial today and experience first-hand how you too can gain a competitive advantage. Register now  
Editor's letter
The gathering storm
The skies are once again darkening over the world economy. A recent string of grim economic data is raising the spectre of global recession. As world leaders fight to save the eurozone – itself on the brink of recession – in the wake of the sovereign debt crisis, the...
Life & Pension Risk magazine's top online news articles
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